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Stock Desktop Widget is available for download in Microsoft Store and the Mac App Store. Try it out, free of charge!
Version 8.6.326
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- The settings UI has been enhanced with minor tweaks to improve the user experience and accessibility.
- The simulated holdings feature now accounts for future dividends and adds them to your balance when they are paid out. This allows you to better plan your investment strategy and track your performance.
- Fix an issue which where future simulated holdings, with currency adjustments enabled, could not be submitted.
- Fix an issue where reordering and/or changing the metadata would cause erronious behavior.
- Fix an issue causing the opening price line and average buying price line to disappear when restarting the app.
Version 8.6.305
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which could cause a network error to be displayed when adding a widget or during normal operation.
- Stability improvements.
Version 8.6.300
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which could cause exchange rates to stop updating
- Fix an issue which could cause some widgets to freeze on startup
Version 8.6.286
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which could cause widgets to stop updating after a certain period of time
- Improve mini widget size when using a non-default font size.
- Fix an issue which could cause trading periods to be missing when month/ytd and pre/post was selected at the same time
- Fix an issue which could cause data to be missing/duplicated when pre/post is enabled
- Other minor bug fixes and stability improvements
Version 8.6.249
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which could induce delay in the charts
- Fix an issue which could cause the x-axis to be misaligned
- Fix an issue which could result in incorrect data in the charts
- Fix an issue which could cause the tray icon to become invisible on certain insider releases of Windows
Version 8.5.425
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Improve stability when using the app without an internet connection.
- Fix an issue which could cause the highlight around a widget to remain after using the alignment tool.
- Fix an issue causing the notifications input to not function as expected.
- Fix an issue where multiple simulated holdings on the same day would become invisible.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 8.5.400
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which could cause a widget to freeze after losing network connectivity.
- Minor bug fixes & improvements.
Version 8.5.371
New features:
- You can now specify margins and padding for grid alignment and click-to-align.
- General user-interface improvements.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue causing error messages to not be displayed when entering invalid input.
- Fix an issue which could cause the price to be stale after wake from sleep or after prolonged periods without internet.
- Fix an issue which could cause the app to crash when shutting down.
- Fix an issue which could cause some options to not persist.
- Improved localization for some languages.
- Widgets will now start faster on installations with 10+ widgets.
- Stability fixes and performance improvements.
Version 8.4.278
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue causing the settings to not open when clicking a price notification.
- Fix an issue which could cause issues on headless displays.
- Fix an issue which could cause the app to crash if no internet is available and metadata was enabled.
- Fix an issue which, in some configurations, could cause the app to crash if Windows Updates is disabled.
- Fix an issue which could cause instabilities if the primary display was changed.
- Fix an issue causing where the price, for some stock exchanges, would not refresh.
- Fix an issue causing the nickname for an instrument to persist after it has been removed.
- Fix an issue which could cause sporadic crashes for some widgets.
- Fix clipping issues when utilizing Mouse Drag Delta for widgets with an x-axis limit less than zero.
- Fix an issue which could cause a widget to remain on the screen after being deleted.
- Fix an issue which could cause the application to crash after starting.
- Fix an issue which could cause the application to crash when utilizing Mouse Drag Delta.
- Fix an issue causing the settings UI to crash when opening the color picker.
- Stability improvements & bug fixes.
Version 8.4.226
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue causing the order of the widgets in the settings UI to not persist.
- Fix an issue causing widgets to not be removed from the list after deletion in the settings UI.
- Other minor stability improvements & bug fixes.
Version 8.4.199
New features:
- Add ability to set size when using the grid align tool.
- New option (under General Settings) to prevent the settings UI from launching when opening the app from the start menu.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Improve separator contrast on dark backgrounds.
- Fix minor theming issues when dark mode is enabled.
- Fix an issue which could cause double currency conversion.
- Improved startup speed for the settings user interface.
- Stability improvements.
- Other minor bug fixes.
Version 8.2.283
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which could cause the app to not exit immediately.
- Fix issues which could cause the application to hang or crash.
- Fix issues which could cause the app to not initialize properly if it was launched without an internet connection.
- Fix an issue which caused y-axis values to not be updated after changing the display currency.
- Fix an issue which would prevent a widget from being updated if it was of an unsupported currency.
- Fix an issue where the price could be hidden in the widget header.
- Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Version 8.2.248
New features:
- Separators will now dynamically change color based on the selected background color.
- Added a new status indicator in the About page, indicating whether you are signed in or not.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which could cause the app not restart after updating.
- Fix an issue which could cause errors if debug mode was enabled.
- Fix an issue causing keybindings to not work as intended.
- Fix an issue which would cause some navigation buttons to not respond.
- Fix an issue which displayed an error when changing the language.
- Other minor bug fixes.
Version 8.2.147
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which could cause the app not launch on some computers.
- Fix an issue where the "Hide widgets" button would not work.
- Fix an issue causing an incorrect version to be displayed in the app.
Version 8.2.142
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue causing the chart to not update during pre-market hours when pre-/post-market was enabled.
- Fix an issue causing the Add Widget page to be grayed out after acquiring Stock Desktop Widget Pro.
Version 8.2.132
New features:
- Overhauled Color tab & color picker UI.
- New default color pallete for light and dark mode.
- New toggle switch for simulated holdings y-axis.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Smaller app size: 10% size reduction.
- Fix some minor UI inconsitencies.
- Fix an issue which could cause the settings UI to become unresponsive.
- Fix an issue causing the "Show opening price" option to not work.
- Other minor stability improvements and bugfixes.
Version 8.1.445
New features:
- Add buy positions, sell positions, and dividends.
- Historical exchange rates for input currencies different than the underlying currency.
- Automatic conversion between display currency, underlying currency and input currency.
- Account for dividends, short positions, broker fees, & more.
- Add and remove positions on the fly.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Update an issue where some hotkeys would not trigger.
- Update an issue where a widget would remain frozen after unlocking it.
- Update an issue where the timerange would fail to update.
- Update an issue where OHLC labels would not update after changing the timerange.
- Update an issue which could cause the "Add widget" context menu item to not trigger.
Version 8.0.89
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Update an issue which could cause widgets to be misaligned on some systems.
- Update an issue which could cause an error when deleting a widget with a hotkey.
- Update an issue preventing hotkeys from triggering after restarting the app.
- Invalid time ranges are no longer selectable.
- Update an issue related to the payment provider.
- Add more relevant error message if Grid Alignment fails.
- Minor bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 8.0.46
New features:
- New 'Mini widget' toggle switch under Shared settings.
- Choose between percent and points in simulated holdings.
- Win/loss (W/L) has been renamed to Profit/loss (P/L).
- Profit/loss will now utilize correct currency formatting.
- A new currency has been added: Brazilian Real (BRL).
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Changing colors is now more responsive.
- Improved compatibility with Windows 11.
- Update an issue which could cause the widget to disappear after disconnecting a monitor.
- Update an issue which could cause in-app purchases to fail after closing the dialog.
- Update an issue causing the widget to not reset when premarket trading period starts.
- Update an issue which could cause the OHLC drop-down list to be blank.
- Other stability & performance improvements.
Version 7.2.44
New features:
- Save size of settings window between launches.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Update an issue where low-volume instruments would be incorrect when Show pre-/post-market data was enabled.
- Update an issue causing Use exchange time zone to not update the charts immediately.
- Other minor stability improvements.
Version 7.2.21
New features:
- Add an option to disable chart grid lines under Shared Settings -> Hide separators.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Update an issue where some instrument quotes did not update.
- Add Colored change indicator setting under Global Settings -> General Settings.
- Revert default values for Pro users.
- Other minor stability improvements.
Version 7.1.177
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue causing incorrect y-axis label placement.
- Fix an issue causing widgets to freeze if all monitors were physically disconnected.
- Fix an issue where the price of NYMEX and TMX/TSX would not update.
- Fix an issue causing "Always on top" to function incorrectly under certain circumstances.
- Fixed issues related to drawing of charts.
- Improved shutdown speed of application.
- Fix an issue where some instruments would not update after wake from sleep.
- Fix an issue which could cause the application to crash.
- Accessibility improvements!
- Several other minor bugfixes.
- Other minor UI fixes.
Version 7.1.157
New features:
- Monochrome icon support (Settings -> General Settings -> Monochrome icon).
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Bug fixes.
Version 7.1.107
New features:
- You can now reorder and select the market data shown below the charts.
- Dragging a chart while holding shift will show you the change in price. Configure under "Shared settings".
- New power saving features for laptop users. Configure under "Power Options".
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue preventing realtime chart updates from registering.
- Add missing OHLC interval dropdown in settings.
- Fix an issue where, in some circumstances, OHLC and candle charts were drawn incorrectly.
- Fix an issue causing the "CLOSE" button to be disabled after submitting feedback.
- Fix an issue causing the app to not automatically restart after an update.
- Fix an issue where the volume bar graph would become stale over time.
- Fix an issue which could cause x-axis labels to be offset when using a time period of 1 month.
- Minor UI tweaks.
- Minor performance improvements.
- Other minor bug fixes.
Version 7.0.69
New features:
- Added the option to specify default width and height for new widgets
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Newly added widgets will now use an appropriate size according to whether market data is enabled, and whether the style is set to "Normal" or "Minimal"
- The Grid alignment tool will now use the specified default size when specified, or a more appropriate auto size.
- Fix an issue where changing the primary display from one display to another would not relocate widgets
- Fix an issue causing the "Send" button to always be disabled in the Feedback menu.
Version 7.0.47
New features:
- [Windows] You can now launch Stock Desktop Widget from a pinned taskbar icon
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which could inadvertently remove existing widgets when adding a new widget
- Fix issues pertaining to connecting / disconnecting external monitors
- Improve compatibility with USB display adapters and dongles
- Fix issues where the widgets would disappear when connecting an external monitor
- Fix an issue where the widgets would never load
- Fix an issue which could cause hangs over cellular or a slow internet connection
- Fix issues related to backward compatibility
- Fix issues related to widget background and foreground colors
- Fix an issue which, for some instruments, would cause the charts to stop updating after the trading period was over.
- Fix Colored change indicators not working
- Fix an issue which could cause the settings UI to crash
- [Mac] Fix excessive padding around chart header
- Other minor bug fixes
Version 7.0.2
New features:
- New option to show pre-/post-market prices
- You can now select a display currency for each instrument
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue where the save button on certain pages would stop working after invalid input.
- UI improvements.
- [Windows] Reduced the size of the app by 50%!
- [Mac] Fix an issue which could cause intermittent crashes
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 6.5.51
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue where simulated holdings could not be saved
- Fix an issue causing simulated holdings to be displayed after disabling
- [Windows] Fix an issue causing time range hotkeys to not work reliably.
- [Mac] Decrease the size of the application bundle
- [Mac] Improved startup time
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 6.3.211
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue where the save button was grayed out under notification settings.
Version 6.3.202
New features:
- Add key bindings to your widgets. Change the time range, move them to the front, change the font size, and more.
- Brand new light mode theme. Overhauled appearance for Stock Desktop Widget for Windows 11.
- Reduced the startup time of the application by up to 60%.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix issues where the acrylic background blur would appear in front of the widget when changing the z-order or when toggelig the backdrop.
- Fix an issue where some settings were not saved.
Version 6.2.45
New features:
- Up / Down arrows indicating intraday price trend.
- New option for the price quote to flash red or green, in real time, based on price movements. Look for "Colored Change Indicator" under Color Settings.
- Improve readability of simulated holdings (W/L).
- Add an option for sending optional diagnostic data when submitting a bug report.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix issues where the acrylic background blur would appear in front of the widget when changing the z-order or when togglig the backdrop.
- Fix an issue where "Hide all widgets" would not hide the acrylic background blur.
- Fix an IPv6 related issue causing the DNS client to ignore AAAA-records.
- Add a loading indicator when submitting a bug report.
- Fix an issue where right clicking the tray icon without selecting a context menu item would close the application.
Version 6.2.13
New features:
- Support for acrylic background and Fluent UI aesthetic
- Support for Windows 11
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue where using an external monitor as the primary monitor would cause the widgets to disappear
- Fix issues related to widgets not retaining their locked setting
Version 6.1.47
New features:
- Allow for custom rendering options. You can find them under the About page! Default values are recommended.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue where the Enable widget and Lock widget in place toggle switches were unresponsive
- Fix an OpenGL issue, causing the settings UI to freeze
- Fix an incorrect bounds to workarea comparison, causing the position of widgets to be reset
- Fix issues related to widgets not retaining their locked setting
- Fix some German and French translation errors (thanks Jens!)
- Fix an issue where the Add Widget page would incorrectly appear inside a dialog frame
Version 6.1.35
New features:
- Add ability to change decimal precision
- Huge performance improvement for the settings UI; hardware accelerated rendering
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix several display and widget position related issues
- Fix an issue where the % change and $ change were flipped
- Improve readability of log files
- Fix an issue with the exchange time zone toggle switch
- Fix issues which could cause the application / widgets to freeze
- Fix issues related to the Save button for Simulated Holdings and Notification Settings
Version 4.0.15
New features:
- No new features this release.
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue where the charts would appear empty/blank due to incorrect font size.
Version 4.0.14
New features:
- Toggle for temporarily hiding all widgets from system tray menu
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Removed pen and stylus support for increased system compatability.
Version 4.0.13
New features:
- Set custom chart font size
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue where volume would be incorrectly displayed
- Fix "Use exchange timezone" not working
- Prevent stale metadata
- Toggle if settings should be shown via systray icon
- Fix an issue where the realtime quote, on some systems, failed to refresh
- Numerous other bugfixes
Version 4.0.12
New features:
- Enhanced chart alignment
- Move UUID to the About page
- Update the about page
- Add ability to change display language
- Add debug mode toggle in About
- Add an explanation for upper and lower notification thresholds
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue which prevented Notification Threshold and Simulated Holding values less than 0.1
- Fix an issue which would cause the live quotes to stop updating after some time
- Fix reset button not working
- Prevent charts from exceeding screen boundaries when aligning
- Fix an issue causing certain changes/settings to not be saved
- Incorrect axis length for week and month
- Fix some issues related to dark/light theme
- Fix for KB4569750
- Fix an issue which could cause mouse-over label to go behind regular labels
- Improve Norwegian Bokmål localization
Version 4.0.8
New features:
- Show loading indicator when searching for stocks
- Show loading indicator when switching timerange
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fix an issue causing saved instruments to be deleted during a crash
- Update chart if internet connection goes from offline to online
- Update confirm button in dialogs when input field is updated
- Fix an issue resulting in incorrect scaling on high DPI displays
- Fix enabled or disabled not saved between restart in my instruments
- Fix a minor memory leak